VLM in the Media

The VLM have been featured in many articles and publications over the last few years. If you work in the media or have a website / blog / podcast / social media channel etc and would like to collaborate or feature the VLM please get in touch with us as we love spreading the word about what we do.

‘Back in 2020, a group of vegans embarked on an unprecedented approach to activism. They called it the Vegan Land Movement (VLM), and it could well prove part of the answer to solving the environmental and ethical catastrophe that is animal farming.  READ more…

By Polly Foreman
17 February 2023

Get orf our land: The vegans outbidding farmers for their fields. READ more…

By Katie Gatens
8 January 2023

Started in 2020, the Vegan Land Movement has removed four plots of land from animal agriculture, totalling 25 acres. They work online to generate interest and funds, bringing together vegans and those interested in enriching the environment, whilst helping to save animals from a life of suffering. READ more…

28 December 2022

So much land is used to rear farmed animals for their flesh and milk. To do this forests and wild ecosystems are cleared resulting in monoculture grazing systems and monoculture grain production systems to supplement the feed for these farmed animals.  READ more…

By Ray Star
20 September 2022

Vegans Are Buying Grazing Land and Giving It Back to Nature. 

In Britain, a crowdfunding campaign called the Vegan Land Movement is buying out grazing land from farmers to rewild it. READ more…

By Claire Hamlett
08 December 2021

We have now removed 25 acres over four parcels of land from dairy farming and one of them had planning permission to build a chicken unit to house 20,000 birds a year. 
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By Bronwyn Slater
31 August 2022