Giving Back To The Earth

Vegan Land Movement CIC

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete"
- Richard Buckminster Fuller

Be a Part Of

Our Mission

To form a large community of people, to buy land from animal agriculture and give it back to nature. A CIC is . . . .


Areas of Land Saved


Native Trees Planted

With Your Help

We Have Achieved

So far with your help we have bought and rewilded 5 parcels of ex grazing farm land, and planted 2000 much needed native trees, allowing many species to return to the land.

We Need Your Help

We can’t do it without you! This is the best and ONLY solution we currently have to truly rewild the UK. Every acre we can take back from animal agriculture and rewild is a double positive as it both prevents damage but also regenerates it!