Movement CIC

We are all in this together and all part of the community of life.

What is the VLM’s structure?

The VLM became a CIC (Community Interest company) with a species and earth-protecting Constitution in April 2021. A Community Interest Company was the legal entity advised to us by our lawyers. The directors of the VLM CIC are all unpaid volunteers and are supported by a key group of other volunteers who help with campaigning, fundraising, tree planting and species recording as the sites rewild. 

Why a CIC? 

There is a particular feature of Community Interest Companies which is very important and why we chose this over being a charity and that is the Asset Lock feature. An Asset Lock is a way of ensuring that the assets/land can never be cashed in by individuals for their own gain, thereby preventing any humans from benefiting financially from it. Because the VLM is a CIC the land acquisitions must benefit the community and we were able to weave into this that the beneficiaries are the non- human communities who will eventually inhabit the land. The only access that humans can have to these areas of land is to record species and for ecological monitoring and research. The bigger picture is that we will all benefit long-term from the creation of these wildlife havens so that biodiversity and wild species can recover.

Vegan Land Movement CIC
Constitution in brief

The Earth & wild species are the designated beneficiaries of the Vegan Land Movement CIC (the VLM CIC hereafter). All use of land owned by the VLM CIC must benefit local ecosystems and its inhabitants. eg taking into account the adjacent ecosystems not owned by the VLM CIC).

Decisions on the repurposing of land (from animal agriculture) will be taken by majority vote by Directors and ecological expert advisors of the VLM CIC in accordance with the principles of the constitution. 

All use of the land owned by the VLM CIC must be in line with eco-vegan principles.   

All uses must not inhibit the land’s ability to regenerate and sustain flourishing eco-systems.

In the event of any revenue that is generated by the land will be used to secure further land for VLM CIC, and is strictly limited by the tenets of the VLM CIC Constitution (eg, revenue of leasing land for future low impact veganic farming that prioritises maintaining wildlife habitats and biodiversity. 

VLM CIC promotes non-interventionist rewilding where possible but will plant native saplings in degraded locations where seed species have been destroyed. 

VLM CIC is guided by systems-thinking (eg, we recognise that a parcel of land is part of an ecosystem that exceeds its legal boundaries; we recognise that decisions of use must take into account the wider biodiversity equirements).

VLM CIC commits to promoting eco-vegan education.

Access rights to humans will be minimal with a preference to leaving ecosystems undisturbed as far as possible.

Species Monitoring and recording will be undertaken yearly to build a body of research to share with supporters, donors and the wider public.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

– Margaret Mead

Beneficiary Earth & Species: By Earth we refer to the Earth’s biosphere – its ecosystems and living inhabitants.

Eco-vegan principle means that which promotes the well-being of individual species members, recognised as persons with interests, and the habitats that support them. Eco-veganism recognises that diverse and abundant ecosystems are preferable to support the good of the whole. Eco-veganism does not sacrifice specimens for the good of the whole. Eco-Veganism is non-violent. Eco-veganism prohibits use of pesticides/insecticides and any substance that is intended to kill organisms and might reasonably be thought to cause harm to creatures. In light of climate change, VLM CIC will prioritise reforestation (of native trees).

Eco-veganism recognises all creatures as having intrinsic value, and strictly prohibits their use as means to the achievement of ends beyond themselves.

Eco-vegan principle means that which promotes the well-being of individual species members, recognised as persons with interests, and the habitats that support them. Eco-veganism recognises that diverse and abundant ecosystems are preferable to support the good of the whole. Eco-veganism does not sacrifice specimens for the good of the whole. Eco-Veganism is non-violent. Eco-veganism prohibits use of pesticides/insecticides and any substance that is intended to kill organisms and might reasonably be thought to cause harm to creatures. (ie precautionary). In light of climate change, VLMT will prioritise reforestation (of native trees). Eco-veganism recognises all creatures as ends in themselves and of intrinsic value, and strictly prohibits their use as means to the achievement of ends beyond themselves.

Where eco-vegan principles cover how we treat non-human life, sentient and otherwise, ethical principles guide how we treat other humans. VLM prohibits the exploitation of humans. VLM also uphold Anti-slavery laws. VLM CIC rejects all forms of discrimination (e.g. on grounds of race; sex or gender; sexual preference; species; ability). All activities carried out by the VLM CIC and by partners operating alongside the VLM CIC must similarly adhere to anti-discrimination principles. (including in correspondence, marketing, repurposing). VLM CIC prohibits the carrying of arms on VLM CIC land, or the discharging of ammunition over VLM CIC  land.

By flourishing eco-systems we mean, ecosystems that support as diverse species as possible, and encourages the long-term sustainability (ie resilience) of species.

It is permissible to generate income on VLM CIC land, but such activities are strictly limited by the stipulations of the constitution. Furthermore, all revenue made by VLM CIC through eg leasing land for veganic farming must be used to acquire further land for the VLM CIC. All revenue activities are secondary to meeting the primary objectives of protecting ecosystems and their inhabitants. VLM CIC prohibits profiteering from its Land (by for example selling products/produce at inflated prices; or prioritising profitability over protecting its ecosystems).

Non-interventionist rewilding means recognising nature’s superior wisdom in this regard, and refraining from over-managing. This would prohibit the introduction of mammals, except where this can be shown to be in the animals’ best interests (eg small rescue wildlife) or species under threat in other sites. VLM CIC prohibits using any being as means to ends, which means introduces animals for the sake of the ecosystem is prohibited.

Systems-thinking recognises, for example, that systems exist in complex networks. This means that we consider each piece of land’s ecosystem as extending beyond its legal boundaries. The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. VLM CIC land is thus a whole Universe to the complex interconnected species who live there.

VLM CIC is committed to cultivating broad social awareness of eco-vegan principles. The land held by the VLM CIC  will provide opportunities for this education. Onsite visits will be strictly regulated; off-site education shall be strongly encouraged (videos; case studies etc). VLM CIC land will be documented as a non-anthropocentric approach to rewilding and land use.

Access rights are limited. While we recognise the rights of communities to access land and the benefits of experiencing nature, access rights will be limited in order to cause least disruption. Preference will be given to 1. Educational visits 2. ecological monitoring and recording 3. land management (eg community orchard/allotments; farming etc). Access rights will be determined on a case by case basis, and will be reviewed in light of each ecosystem’s current state of resilience.